Best Crystals for Stress Relief & Mental Recovery on Summer Vacation

Best Crystals for Stress Relief & Mental Recovery on Summer Vacation

• you want to maximize relaxation and mental recovery on Summer Vacation 
• you wanna drain emotional toxins by working with crystals and stones on Vacation
• you need to regenerate your physical energy after a period of stress and tension
• you want to melt stress and tension by working with Crystals.

After a busy, challenging and messy year, you can't wait for some days of just sun, nature, lightheartedness and smiles, in other words, you can't wait for some days of vacation!
You'll be free from every tension, pressure and stress... Universe bless the Holidays :)

However, in the same time a subtle bitterness is whispering somewhere in your brain, it says:
"You know that "vacation", doesn't always mean stress relieving, smile and relax! You'll be back too early and you'll be more tired than when you left".


And the fun fact is that sometimes it's true!

best crystals for melt stress and anxiety on vacation

That's because your body and mind were constantly in tension for an entire year, and now shifting mindset and habits it's not extremely easy.


As "overthinking/crazy busy all over the year kind of girl" I personally struggled with this for so long coming back from holidays more tired and stressed than as I normally was over the year! 

Then, I started to work with some crystals identifying which of them can better encourage and support my own body/consciousness to leave stagnant patterns and opening to enjoyment and relaxation.


In this article I wanna share with you what I found.

Here are the crystals that help to relieve mental and physical stress supporting balancing and assisting in gaining fresh energy and strength.
They're perfect for summer vacation when you need to get results in a short period of time.

Best Crystals to Maximize Relaxation & Mental Recovery on Summer Vacation

Here are the crystals that I tested over some years and that support me to quickly free my body/mind from stress and tension opening new spaces for relaxation, fresh energy, spontaneity and conviviality.


White Jade is the master in mind cleansing.

White Jade is exceptional to drastically reduce mental rumination and calm overactive minds relieving tension and stress.


White Jade declutters mind from waste plans and ideas and it's also great to support good sleeping, that's why it's a powerful compendium in overcoming insomnia.

White Jade Ring, unique gemstone healing jewel
More about White Jade ring >>


There are a few ways to work with White Jade, feel free to choose the one that is more comfortable for you on vacation.
You can also combine two different ways to boost your experience if it resonates with you.

Whatever method you choose make sure to take a few minutes per day to intentionally connect your energy field to your stone.

As you know, intention is the key when you work with crystals and gemstones for spiritual growing and healing.

If you wanna work with White Jade to boost its meaning and purposes you should:

wear White Jade as a pendant or ring.
If you choose a ring, I suggest to wear it on the middle finger, the best channel to maximize relaxation and emotional balance.

keep a pebble of white jade under your pillow, it helps good sleeping.


Heliodor is a boost to reinforce and expand the radiation of your aura. Heliodor is a tonic for self-esteem and vitality, supporting balance and emotional stability.
It also helps you to forget about judgments and what other people think about you, your choices and actions.

Heliodor is a wonderful tool to bring purposes, passion and talents to your consciousness and it's highly recommended especially if you have doubts about your own decisions or actions.

Summer vacation is the perfect time to train yourself in trusting your gut, embracing imperfection and everything life has to offer, Heliodor will assist you in this journey.

Heliodor also help you to cleanse mind and refocusing intention to your priorities melting distractions supporting action and vitality.


The best way to work with Heliodor maximizing its meaning and purpose is by wearing it as short pendant.


Heliodor Healing necklace
Learn to raise your self esteem with Heliodor >>

If you wanna boost your experience and get the best result you don't need to meditate with Heliodor if it's not easy for you during vacation, instead just make sure to intentionally connect your energy field to the crystal every day whenever you want or need.


When you had a challenging year, what you may feel now is a sort of emotional imbalance or weakness.

If your emotional structure has been weakened by intruders who destabilized your integrity you need to redefine your own territory fortifying your emotional structure.

In these cases, Bronzite assists you in raising confidence and free yourself from devaluation and impairments.

Bronzite works not just if you need to rebuild and reinforce the Solar plexus chakra (the emotional area of self-esteem and action) but it also balances the Sacral and the Root Chakra.
That's why it provides such a high level of stability even if it doesn't work only on the Root Chakra.


Whatever method you choose make sure to take a few minutes a day to intentionally connect your energy fiend to your stone. As you know, intention is the key when you work with crystals and gemstones for spiritual growing and healing.

• The best method to boost your experience with Bronzite is wearing it as a pendant (medium or long pendant) or as a ring.

• you can also meditate with this stone, (if you have this chance on vacation) or keep a pebble as much as possible close to your skin during the day.


If after a long year, you feel yourself physically and mentally streatched and a little bit of frustration or exhaustion raises at the center of your heart you need to work with Manganocalcite.

This stone is exceptional to calm emotional riots, anxiety and apprehension.
Manganocalcite assists you in finding peace over or after a period of stress and it's powerful to support good sleeping and relaxation.


You have a few ways to work with Manganocalcite, make sure to use the one that is more comfortable for you on vacation.

• wear Mangano Calcite as a short pendant or ring.
If you choose ring, I suggest to wear it on the middle finger the best channel to maximize relaxation and emotional balance.

• keep a pebble of Manganocalcite under your pillow, it helps good sleeping and relaxing.

• you can meditate with Monganocalcite, or also connect your energy field with it during a moment of relax with your family, friends or alone.


Summer vacation is not only the perfect time to release tensions but also to gain new and fresh energy and the last one is exactly what Magnetite helps you to do, here's how:

At first, Magnetite helps to drain emotional stagnation.
That's perfect when you need to deeply cleanse your emotional field from old or wrong patterns.

Then, it activates the energy from the root, from your base.
Magnetite gives you a solid, stable frequency that provides emotional strength and stability.

Magnetite is also exceptional to drain emotional toxins. It works by creating a way towards Earth to detoxify the body and restore your own physical energy.
In fact, because of its property to detoxify the body Magnetite is also helpful to mitigate food intolerances.


• take a pebble of Magnetite on your hands, close your eyes to fully connect your intentions to the frequencies of this stone for one minute during the morning and one minute on the evening.
You'll feel new energy raises within your body in just a few days.

wear a short or medium pendant of Magnetite during the evening and whenever you're not under the direct sunlight.

Magnetite also shields you from electromagnetic waves from mobile phones, computer and cordless. If you wanna know more about how to actually protect your body by working with crystals and gemstones, you find everything on this article.

Make sure to frequently cleanse your Magnetite with sage, it doesn't love water so much.

Hope you find so much value in this article and that it's useful and helpful in your daily life.

Now, it's your turn, which are your favorite stones to bring with you on summer vacation?
Let me know in the comment below!


Thanks for taking the time to read this article,
have a wonderful and grateful rest of your day.

All Love

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